Girls Names are coming to UK from their native Belfast and are being joined by the awesome La La Vasquez, see the (great) poster above. I can hear a lot of Crystal Stilts, perhaps some Spectrals surf too, hipster band? Who knows, the riffs are super catchy either way, I will tell you on Friday after seeing them live at this super awesome neon glow stick rave. They've released two cassettes on Cass/Flick which I'm super bummed not to own, although they have another split planned with Heavy Hawaii (Wavves old band). They also have an EP out on Captured Tracks, busy times.
//GIRLS NAMES - GRAVEYARD (from Tough Love)
P.s Graveyard is more twiddly than their other stuff, give it all a listen.
Myspace . LastFM
13 Animal Full Body Puppets Ideas
2 years ago