Monday, 29 March 2010

Girls Names

Girls Names are coming to UK from their native Belfast and are being joined by the awesome La La Vasquez, see the (great) poster above. I can hear a lot of Crystal Stilts, perhaps some Spectrals surf too, hipster band? Who knows, the riffs are super catchy either way, I will tell you on Friday after seeing them live at this super awesome neon glow stick rave. They've released two cassettes on Cass/Flick which I'm super bummed not to own, although they have another split planned with Heavy Hawaii (Wavves old band). They also have an EP out on Captured Tracks, busy times.

//GIRLS NAMES - GRAVEYARD (from Tough Love)

P.s Graveyard is more twiddly than their other stuff, give it all a listen.
Myspace . LastFM

Sunday, 28 March 2010

Not Cool man, Not Cool

Not Cool are from London, they have released on Sleep All Day and more recently on a IBB/PVI 12" with loads of other cool bands, it slays to the maxxx. They sound a bit like Dinasaur Jr and might well have recorded their songs in an actual studio, compared to some of the London crop who record in toilets for it's kitsch factor. Upcoming 12"on Sleep All Day, watcha!

Myspace . LastFM

Friday, 26 March 2010


Lamps come in somewhere between Brainbombs uber lo-fi rantings and labelmates Black Lips less lo-fi pop melodies. They sound angry, they shout, they play a maximum of three riffs per song: excellent.

Seems like they they should be on Amphetamine Reptile but they've had two full length releases as well as a few singles on In The Red records, hopefully we'll see them in the UK sometime soon.

Thursday, 25 March 2010

On not being young anymore

'Thunders Hips and Saddle Bags', the 1986 cassette only album by Human Skab
Human Skab is (perpetually) a 10 year kid. He makes music that reminds me what it was like being a 10 year old kid. He can't really play guitar (he tries his best though, hey: I still can't play guitar). His key concerns are the extinction of the dinosaurs, smashing windows with rocks and wrestling; perhaps the way all 10 year old boys should probably be. Like the Happy Flowers, but real.
“I’m on a mission. I’ve a message for the world. It’s not just playing guitars and stuff good that is important. It’s all the things you do.”
Here's human skab in his adult form, playing a classic 10-year old human skab song.

Human Skab had two albums reissued last year, one of which is not sold out and is available through Family Vineyard on CD. He was even in the Independent this weekend.

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Turning On to Cloud Nothings

So I posted about this kid before and since then I got his CD through the door, even though I ordered the last CASSETTE, more on that later. As far as the record goes, think warm fuzzy focals on a backdrop of catchy Lovvers/ Nodzzz riffs and you're pretty much there. Being 18 hasn't stopped this guy playing with some of the best new acts around (his first show was with Woods). So anyway here's the album, it's the first place that's it's been hosted. Nothing to do with Dylan, just that when I order a Cassette, pay for postage and then get a CD, it leaves me feeling empty and unloved. Im sure it'll get taken down so rehost and spread the word about this talented dude. Title track is a highlight for me;


Myspace . LastFM

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Everyone knows a Personal Pizza isn't big enough

Personal and the Pizzas from New Jersey play garage punk that Iggy would be proud of, and judging by the cover of their Cassette its safe to say that he's a big influence. Raw Pie is a supersweet homage to the Ramones with a warped sense of humour, order it!

//Personal & the Pizzas - Raw Pie

Myspace / Last.Fm